Volunteer with JFMF:

There are so many ways to get involved with our work at JFMF. Below are just some of the opportunities and teams we have going on! If you’re looking for another way to volunteer or if you have a large group that wants to work with us, please email

  • The Batavia phone line is a number that folks within immigration detention can call to speak with a volunteer from Justice for Migrant Families. This is right for you if you can either commit to a weekly 2 hour long shift or be on a substitute list, if you can use your personal phone (your number will remain anonymous), and if you are able to keep notes and reference online materials. A second language is helpful but not required.

  • Build solidarity with people who have just been released from immigrant detention and are en route to their final destination with friends, family and community. People detained by immigration after arduous journeys are often shipped thousands of miles away from their communities and released without basic necessities and information. Our team volunteers their time to meet people at the bus station and supports them in the final leg of their journey. There are many different roles available for release support.

     In person: This is right for you if you can occasionally answer the call to go to the Buffalo bus station or the Buffalo airport to help a newly released person navigate travel. Conversational level in a language other than English is a plus but not necessary.  Releases usually happen between 3 - 7 PM and airport help is usually needed in the evenings and early mornings.  In the training we will cover the process of assisting someone, available materials and resources, and build community with other volunteers.

    Remote: This is right for you if you are comfortable with your phone, texting apps, and are at a conversational level in Spanish.

  • More info soon!

  • Our Pen Pal program connects folks detained in Batavia with volunteers to write letters and provide connection to the isolation of immigration detention.

  • Books for All members are on a rolling list for book requests from people in immigrant detention in Batavia. When someone requests a book while in detention, JFMF share the request on a rolling basis. You can accept or decline each request; if you accept, you are responsible for choosing, buying and shipping the book. People in Batavia really treasure this form of connection.

  • The Organizing Team works on education and outreach, as well as skill building and relationship building, to create systemic change. The Organizing Team is composed of staff, members, volunteers, and allied organizations, and engages in skill building and relationship building. The Team meet monthly virtually, with many more opportunities for in person, one on one or virtual participation.

  • In addition to the opportunities listed above, we are always on the lookout for people with all kinds of diverse skills, abilities and experience: translators with Spanish, French, Portuguese, or Arabic proficiency; graphic designers; drivers for families and volunteers; fundraisers; volunteer coordinators; educators. We welcome people of all abilities and statuses.

    If you are interested in volunteering with Justice for Migrant Families, please click the link below and fill out the form!


College credit or small stipend and transportation stipend available.

Community Direct Support Internship, in person only

Engage in direct support work, general Justice for Migrant Families daily operations, and advocacy on a specific identified immigrant rights issue area. This position offers a lot of training, support, and opportunity to strengthen language skills. JFMF has a positive history in fulfilling requirements for college internship positions and we enjoy working with students.

This placement has typically included participation in our organizational meetings, training and work on the phone line or mail communication with immigrants in detention, outreach and direct client work to connect individuals and families in the community with necessary resources, and development and sharing of trauma-informed resources with other Justice for Migrant Families volunteers. Additionally, interns usually study one advocacy area and then do either outreach or direct advocacy on an issue affecting undocumented immigrants. Interns are encouraged to participate in a January conference with the New York Immigration Coalition. Interns will work in a small, active organization and the placement includes both direct and indirect support. Spanish-speaking, bilingual and multilingual candidates strongly encouraged to apply. Join us as we work toward liberation for all people!

Detention Advocacy Internship

The Detention Advocacy Intern would work on issues related to the Buffalo Federal Detention Center. Justice for Migrant Families is not a legal services provider, but this internship would provide access and connection with a number of local, state and national legal organizations. There are a few different areas of work:

  1. Research, public messaging, and inside advocacy related to  Justice for Migrant Families FOIA and in partnership with National and New York based legal advocacy organizations to bring transparency to the following areas:

Access to medical care

Solitary confinement

Language access

Working conditions

18 hour cell lock ins

Medical conditions

Abuse reports

2. Access to Representation: work with a Justice for Migrant Families team to refer people to existing legal resources, identify gaps in representation, and advocate for universal representation in immigration court. 

3. Support a detention hotline and visitation for people in detention.

Job Opportunities:

JFMF does not currently have any open positions. Please keep an eye out here, on our social media and on our newsletter for future opportunities.

