JFMF in the News

  • Buffalo Spree

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    “Justice for Migrant Families (JFMF), led by Executive Director Jennifer Connor, is a grassroots organization providing direct support, advocacy, and organizing for and with people impacted by immigration enforcement, including undocumented families, people in detention, and LGBTQ immigrants.”

  • Migrants Detained by ICE in New York Stage Brief Hunger Strike Over End of Free Phone Calls, Conditions

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    “Family members call us and tell us that their loved one’s mental health is declining day by day under this practice,” said Justice for Migrant Families director Jennifer Connor. “Batavia has not always restricted people to their cells for eighteen hours, and people’s health is suffering as a result.”

  • 'People who are here are capable and ready': New York State weighing changes to hire migrant workers

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    “Jorge facetimed Jennifer to share the good news that he was approved for his work permit, after eagerly awaiting its arrival.

    “We all came wanting to work and support our families," Jorge said. "Now, with this chance, I feel happier."

    “I see the incredible sacrifices people make for their families to have a better future,” Jennifer said.”